For a new customer, your business website will often be the first impression of you and what you offer. You need to have an image which is fresh, up to date, original, and professional.
There are ready-made templates which can be purchased through some companies, but these "one size fits all" websites lack the uniqueness and flexibility needed in today's internet world. When stuck with a template, it becomes difficult or impossible to add custom features which you will likely desire in the future. You'll reach a point where you are eventually told: "our software doesn't have that feature."
Especially with eCommerce sites, a website building platform such as WIX or Shopify will usually cost you more in the long-run because of the needed add-ons to operate the site.
Additionally, most template-based websites are stored on a web server crowded with thousands of other company websites. This results in incredibly slow loading time for your website visitors. When websites are slow, potential customers leave.
At VisionRise Marketing, We Believe The Custom Approach Is The Best Approach For The Client
We start off by meeting with you, in-person or by conference call, to plan a successful website development and marketing strategy. Through the whole process of visioning, planning, and website creation, we rely on your feedback to arrive at an end result which meets your expectations.
Of course, from our years of experience, we are able to present options and suggestions so the whole process is simple and easy for you.
We believe you know your customers and your business better than anyone and your input is necessary to get the best results. This is true with website creation, but also with marketing your website. You know how your customers think and this truth needs to be a factor in your marketing efforts, whether it's with designing the look and feel of your website or choosing various marketing strategies.
The End Result: We develop custom website marketing systems that meet your needs and the needs of your customers. Our websites load on all devices quickly and are customer friendly. Search engines love our professional built websites and give them higher search rankings in Google, Yahoo, Bing and others.
As your business grows, your website has the flexibility to grow with you. New features can be added and current features can be expanded. You are happy and your website visitors are happy.
Custom eCommerce Shopping Carts
In the United States alone, eCommerce sales were over $262.3 billion for 2018. By 2019 research firms estimate that there will be over $440 billion in online sales.
For most businesses, having an Ecommerce website available to customers will substantially increase sales, make running a business easier, and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Selling products and services directly through your website makes it easy for customers to purchase and shortens the sales process. This allows you to save time and focus on the other details of your business which need attention.
Integrating Ecommerce into your website could range anywhere from installing PayPal buttons next to your products to a complete shopping cart system capable of multiple product orders, product upsells, and advanced product choice options. Because each business has different needs, we believe a custom built Ecommerce website is the best approach for our clients.
A professional eCommerce web design is necessary to build the trust of your customers. This is difficult to do with the cookie-cutter shopping cart templates offered through many hosting companies. If customers are not impressed with your website, your online sales will suffer. The look and feel needs to be appealing but the website should also be well organized, such as product placement, and navigation.
Once we build your shopping cart system, VisionRise Marketing makes it simple for you to manage your eCommerce website. From adding products or categories to running promotions and sending newsletters, you have full access to make updates instantly through the secured administration panel. Best of all, when using our shopping cart, your site and data growth is unlimited. You are not restricted to a maximum amount of categories or products. Our eCommerce content management system is customized for each client.
Mobile Website Development
Emarketer, a trusted research marketing firm, estimates that in 2019, mobile commerce (mCommerce) sales are expected to increase 68%.
According to the International Telecommunication Union, in 2018, users who accessed the web with mobile devices exceeded web access from desktop computers and laptops.
If you do not have a mobile website integrated into your web presence, it's simple - your business is suffering.
While a business needs to have a professional website which can be viewed on a personal computer, a mobile friendly website also needs to created so that when users arrive on your website, they can view your content using their mobile devices.
Most standard websites are not mobile-friendly and lack the necessary navigation, graphic optimization, viewable videos and other important features necessary for a mobile viewing device. Of course, this results in the lack of a professional image, lack of sales, lack of customer retention, and lower visibility in search engines.
Rather than building a new costly website in addition to your standard site, VisionRise Marketing specializes in building responsive websites. Responsive websites are designed to adjust (or respond) to the device from which the website is being viewed.
Whether a visitor is using a desktop, a laptop, a tablet, a large smart phone, or a smaller smart phone, a well designed responsive website will properly fit the visitors device. Of course as the screen is smaller, different elements of the site adjust to the screen size.
Responsive websites are the cutting-edge in web design. You can find responsive design in such sites as time.com, disney.com, starbucks.com, and qvc.com.
Responsive websites are better for search engine placement and social media sharing for one simple reasons - instead of having two different websites with the same content, you only have one website which contains everything. This design is also easier to update as only one website has to be updated, compared to two.
Having a mobile website gives you the competitive edge over businesses that do not yet have mobile-friendly websites. Customers using mobile devices will appreciate a user friendly experience and will be able to see your product information more effectively. Enjoy the increased sales and happier customers through a custom mobile website from VisionRise Marketing.

Community-Based Website Integrations
The successful model for many business websites these days is a community driven website where leads and customers interact, instead of an "advertisement website" which only displays product information.
For many businesses, we suggest a blog installed into the company website as a powerful means of communicating with customers. Wordpress, the industry choice for blogging software, comes free with many hosting accounts.
The problem is a standard Wordpress Blog is generic looking and has limited features in the way of security, functionality, navigation, and appearance. To solve this issue, there are almost 20,000 plugins and over 1,500 themes which can be integrated with Wordpress. It takes a great deal of experience to know which plugins and themes are effective, work properly, and provide true benefits. As equally important, it's critical to know how to set up a Wordpress Website that will not get penalized by search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Installing and customizing a Wordpress blog to be truly effective is a technically complicated and time consuming endeavor. We have the technical knowledge and experience to manage all of your blogging needs, everywhere from choosing the correct plugins to modifying the theme to match the look and feel of your primary website.
Just as with Wordpress Blogs, we have a vast experience with other community building applications such as forum software, customer service chat programs, support ticket programs, and Facebook. All these integrations can work your your existing website. While planning your website, we will discuss the various options and give suggestions to what will be effective for your unique business.
Full Service Graphic Design
For your internet presence to be effective, professional looking graphics need to be visible throughout the website. In fact, market research proves that graphics can be as important, or even more important, than the text content within a website.
Modern personal computers have made it easy for just about anyone to create and edit graphics which can be used in a website. But for a professional look and functionality, graphics need to be created by experienced artists using professional graphic development tools. So often these days you see graphics and photos on the internet which take too long to load or that don't match the rest of a website effectively.
VisionRise Marketing is your full-service source for graphic design projects including web graphics, logo design, banner design, and graphics used in video and print advertisements.
All of the web graphics we design are created using advanced color design theory and web compatible color schemes. All of our web graphics are optimized for fast load time while retaining graphic quality. This is so whether we create the graphic from start to finish or if we use a photograph to create graphics.
VisionRise Marketing also has the experience and technical knowledge to create high-end animations which can be used in websites or TV commercials. Whether you need an animated design for your logo, or you need a 30 second featured avatar-like animation for a web or TV commercial, we can provide the professional quality you need in today's competitive business world.